A super easy tea time snack for all,which tastes so yummy. In this recipe the boiled egg is enrobed with spicy mashed potatoes,rolled in semolina and shallow fried until crispy.Egg chops taste so delicious with a crispy outer and hardboiled egg inside.These chops are loved by my children. Do try this recipe if you want some spice at tea time.

๐4 eggs
๐3 big potatoes
๐1 tsp kashmiri red chilli powder
๐1 tbsp Garam masala
๐1 tsp turmeric powder
๐1 tsp garlic powder
๐1 tsp black pepper powder
๐1 tsp cumin powder
๐1 tsp salt
๐1 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves
๐1 cup Semolina
๐1 egg whisked
๐2 tbsp milk
๐2 tbsp ghee
๐2 tbsp oil
๐Take a sauce pan on a medium heat add in water bring it to a boil then add in the eggs let it boil for 15 mins.when done strain the water and leave it to cool. When cool crack open the eggs and cut it vertically into four parts and keep side.
๐Take a pressure cooker add in potatoes and water in it on a medium heat pressure cook for 10 mins or 4 whistles. turn off the heat and remove it in a bowl let it cool down.
๐When cool peel the potatoes clean and mashed it until no lumps in it. Add salt,finely chopped coriander leaves, black pepper powder,cumin powder,garlic powder,Kashmiri red chilli powder, turmeric powder mix this all up.
๐Now make small balls of the spice mash like a lime size ball,grease your hands with oil and take each ball and place it on your palm,flatten it and put the quarter egg in the centre add a pinch of garam masala to the egg and cover the egg with the potatoes on all the sides repeat this process for the rest of the egg chops.place it in plate and keep it side.
๐Take a small bowl add in an egg whisk it and add in little milk keep it aside
๐In a plate add in a cup semolina now deep the egg chops in the whisked egg and roll it in the semolina. repeat this process for the rest of the egg chops.
๐Take a wide sauce pan on medium heat add in ghee and oil shallow fry the egg chops flipping it both the sides.
๐Fry the chops until crispy and the tasty egg chops are ready to eat.
